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Let me start by presenting myself, my name is Ninon (Nin) Barou, I am currently a student in communications in Paris. 

My grandmother was the person who drove me towards my passion, she taught me how to sew.

Ever since I got gifted a sewing machine, I have been experimenting until I was good at it. I now sew my own pieces of clothing, as well as make some for my friends or help them repair holes in their pants ... 


This is a picture of me in Bangkok, Thailand, where I did high school. I am here in my favorite sewing studio whom I used to go to every weekend, making my graduation dress! This is my proudest piece, a gorgeous silky red gown dress! I was so happy to be able to say, I made it myself!!


It wouldn't be honorable and honest of myself to take all credit for the idea of these half and half t-shirts. It was a co-creation. One of my best mate Richard and I came up with the idea. And indeed, the first-ever half shirt I sewed was for him, and they were all his shirts. 


The more I would wear the two half shirts Richard and I had made, the more compliments I would get. And people were in even bigger awe when I told them I had made the shirts myself! 

The idea bloomed in my mind for years before I made something out of it. And honestly, I have to give it out to Paris who made me realize I could make my dreams come true! Paris is for me the capital of thrift shopping, this where you find the coolest pieces for the cheapest price.




What I do is simple, I thrift shop a lot in Paris, and I buy these cool shirts for the cheapest price! Sometimes I also do some of my own shirts that I have kept and that I don't wear anymore or some that were given to me. Ultimately, I carefully cut them in half, do my magic and you have a beautiful and original Halfie!


My aim is to lower the huge waste in the current fast fashion industry. Fashion is the second biggest manufacturing industry, meaning they are also the most pollutant. Textile production contributes more to climate change than international aviation and shipping combined.


More and more people are joining the movement by purchasing thrifted and re-used clothing, I want to be part of that. There are numerous ways to re-use and recycle your clothing, we don't need to be producing more cheap pieces. Please think of re-using your clothes before throwing them away, buy-in vintage shops or re-sell online, all of us together will make a change.


- Nin

Check me out on my personal Instagram @itsninbarou!


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